They are mostly known as Thanksgiving dinners. However, it is also possible to have them as pets. Raising turkeys as pets might not be as popular as buying puppies and kittens, but this does have its own perks and simple joys as well.
There are two general varieties of turkeys for raising turkeys as pets – domestic and wild. The domestic ones are raised by turkey farmers to sell off for their meat. These turkeys are entirely unable to fly and have been bred with only the purpose of being sold as dinners in mind. Wild turkeys, on the other hand, breed in the wild and are capable of flight. These are the ones which are kept as pets. Don’t be afraid of their names – just because they are called “wild” doesn’t mean that they are vicious. In fact, wild turkeys are smarter than domestic ones, and so are easier to be trained as pets.
In raising turkeys as pets, there are a few things you need to do different from those who raise turkeys for profit. First, you need to adjust their feeds so that the bird would be eating a mix that would get him healthier and stronger, compared to feeds for turkeys which fatten them up and optimize their meat for eating. Second, you need to adjust your yard or wherever the turkey’s coop is to be able to accommodate such a curious animal – hence, no potential danger zones such as chicken wire and open holes. Lastly, but most important, you need to interact with the bird. While this is a given for any pet, it is more so for turkeys because they are very social animals. Once you are comfortable with your pet turkey, you would soon notice just how the bird reciprocates that feeling to you.
Raising turkeys as pets gives you a bright and social companion. Turkeys are praised by animal welfare groups for being great pets. Turkeys as pets have started way back, as Abraham Lincoln’s son kept a turkey as his pet in the White House. Sure, turkeys aren’t really conventional pets, but the people who have decided on turkeys as their pets would attest to their intelligence and friendliness.
Source by Andrew Grey
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