Robbins Madanes Training Review: 3 Ways to Approach Getting Certified As a Professional Coach

There are 3 major methods or modalities for becoming a professional life coach

1 – Going through a traditional certification that is offered through any one of many different coaching academies, “institutes”, clinics, home study courses or even in some extreme cases… one day certification seminars.

While the value of these programs varies wildly from course to course and from curriculum to curriculum, the truth is, unfortunately… this is the major modality in today’s coaching market. (getting a “diploma” from a coaching program and then finding yourself out in the wild… without any real sense of how to succeed) While there CAN be an advantage to being accredited through a major coaching federation, in real life, the truth is, people want REAL results, not impressive credentials when they seek out coaches to hire.

2 -Not getting certified at all… and simply taking your love for people, and your PASSION and sense of purpose about spiritual service out into the world and hoping for the best. The funny thing is, I DO know a few coaches who are simply so passionate and purposeful and powerful in their presentation, that they have been able to succeed without any real program or plan, other than a sincere desire to help people. While this can happen… it’s usually the exception and not the rule as there is usually a “ceiling” for how high you can fly without some sort of community to connect to, or collaborate with as a coach. (probably the BIGGEST argument for #1 is not the diploma, but rather the connection to a community of professional peers that is great for building your brand, and business)

3 – Getting certified through a non conventional program that teaches both unique skills, success strategies, and cutting edge psychology to facilitate big breakthroughs in both your OWN life, as well as those of your readers, subscribers, target audience and personal clients.

Robbins Madanes Training (usually called RMT) is a perfect example of this approach, as the focus is both on developing, enhancing and improving your own life skills through a process called Strategic Intervention, as well as teaching and sharing those skills with your own clients as well. (leading to bigger breakthroughs for both)

In my own experience, the other big advantage to RMT coaching certification are pretty simple:

1 – A large, growing and EVOLVING community of enlightened entrepreneurs and passion professionals who truly DO want to wake up the world through their work.

2- The name “cache” and gravitas that comes with being associated with a coaching school with not only many other famous coaches (including professionals sports coaches and celebrity trainers) but is named after and co-owned by the most prominent faces in the personal development industry, bar none.

3 – Really cutting edge training techniques that blend the best of cognitive science, spirituality, unique strategy and SERVICE to others, in a way that gets rapid results that often arrive in an instant, and can be witnessed by all.

Of course there are some factors that you may want to consider when picking a life coaching certification program as well, that may NOT make RMT the best choice for you.

It can be costly. (training for 12 months is about $3500)

You need to be a freethinker and a bit of an adventurous spirit to employ the Robbins Madanes techniques in the real world. I’ve seen very “straight edged” coaches have a difficult time watching some of the Tony Robbins strategic interventions in live environments, and they often wonder if it’s all good theater, rather than good coaching. (it’s a bit of BOTH, and to me, that’s where the excitement in this whole field REALLY is)

What about you? If you are a coach, or are looking to train as a coach, what have YOUR experiences been like? What type of certification works best for you… and why? What do YOU think about RMT and strategic intervention as a way of affecting major change in the lives of your clients, community, loved ones or within yourself? Let us know – I am always passionate about feedback from others who truly cares more about CONTRIBUTION as much as cash, and progress as much as profit – because THAT’S what a true teacher, trainer, and strategic life coach is truly about!

Source by Alexa Ross
#Robbins #Madanes #Training #Review #Ways #Approach #Certified #Professional #Coach life coach

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