Should a Marketing Coach Use a PowerPoint Presentation?

It’s important to remember, regardless of what you’re selling, is that you’re clients are going to buy you before they even think about what you’re selling – especially if you’re a sales consultant. The best way for people to like you, the best way for them to buy you is in most cases, not to use PowerPoint.

Here’s why…

When you’re selling face to face, you’ll want to look the person in the eye, to talk with them, to get to know them and to show your value as a person.

Could you have PowerPoint with you? Sure. If they want to see something on PowerPoint can you then turn the computer on and show them?

You bet.

But to make it a presentation every single time, I think is a big mistake because it takes away the strength in your presentation. Getting to know you as a person is the connection that’s going to be made for the long term.

PowerPoint is not an easy thing to do well and it takes away from almost everybody who uses it.

It takes away from the persona and the presence that you have and makes you like everybody else; indiscernible from all the other people who are competing for similar business.

Be you.

Sit in front of the person; have weaknesses; show your strengths; show your certainty; show your uncertainty; show whom you are; show your character and let the person pick you and not your PowerPoint presentation. Always be prepared for other things, but stay away from it. There’s rarely a reason that PowerPoint is necessary.

If you’re going to use PowerPoint, here are a few things that will help you be successful.

If you use words at all with your slides, limit to one or two. Use a lot of photos of people who are prominent or well known for something. People who were winners at what they did are people that we all identify with; like Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt.

Be sure to stay away from current political figures and things like that. Use photos that have a purpose.

Never look at your PowerPoint while you’re presenting. Be in engaged with your audience, whether it’s one person or a room full.

Know your PowerPoint so that when you push the next frame button you know the frame that is on the PowerPoint, but continue to look at the audience.

The good thing about using PowerPoint is that you can’t go off on a tangent.

If you have to peek over your shoulder and look up at the PowerPoint which means you’re subservient to what’s on the wall or the screen. And that takes away from you.

When you know exactly what is going to come next you’re in control of your presentation.

If you want to do it right, if you want to take a chance on PowerPoint then do it so you don’t ever have to look at it, but that it gives you like the backup band.

You know, it’s the guitar and drummer; it’s back there for backup. But Elvis is on the front of the stage; Elton John is on the front of the stage; the orchestra is not visible or is barely visible. That’s what you want to do.

Let your character shine through during your presentation and you may find that a PowerPoint is rarely necessary.

Source by Michael Senoff
#Marketing #Coach #PowerPoint #Presentation business coach

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