By: David Morgan (2009)
Published by QUE, 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 USA
ISBN 1-933596-79-1
Book Price: $10.95
Economist specializing in precious metals
David Morgan has been a private economist for over two decades. He has a background in engineering and an advanced degree in Economics/Finance. His writings have been published in The Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, and Futures Magazine. He also hosts a weekly precious metals wrap-up on internet radio.
Silver investment opportunities
Mr. David Morgan presents 11 informative chapters focused on educating readers about investment opportunities with silver. He discusses points as: Supply and demand (Ch. 1); A rare investment opportunity (Ch. 2); New uses for silver – the demand squeeze (Ch. 7); Silver bullion and coins (Ch. 8); The future of silver (Ch. 11)…
Great economic advice for investors
David Morgan is frank with his readers as he moves directly to his point, stating the purpose for this book, “… to make the investment community at large aware of what I believe to be the single best investment in the world at the present time-silver!” His style is informative and persuasive as he shares his views backed by valuable data!
Accurate details give David’s perspective greater authority. He writes, “There is actually less silver bullion available for investing than gold! This one fact alone should alert any intelligent investor into thinking some silver must be held as part of one’s precious metals allocation.” Facts validate Morgan’s message!
David Morgan’s insight into economic trends in commodities investment is practical and based in facts. He shares that, “… paper market distortion of the commodity markets has allowed prices to deteriorate at the same time that demand has risen and supply has contracted. Prices have been kept low; while demand for products has expanded. This runs contrary to general economic laws of supply and demand.” This is based on true market info.
On the basis of well researched data, Mr. Morgan makes informed predictions about the value of investing, saying, “In the case of silver, gold, oil and natural gas, we will see prices rise to their true fundamental value, which by the way is much higher than what is now reflected in the markets.” This is interesting news for investors.
The value of investing in silver
David Morgan has presented a well informed and supported teaching on the value of investing in silver.
Success Step: Go to the following link: Wine web to research what industry writers are speculating about silver!
Source by Dr. Steven J. Lynne
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