Spiritual Mandate

In this article, I want to outline God’s strategic plan that He has already established to help you. You can implement this plan as part of your recovery strategy. His strategic plan is this: Come into alignment with the mandates of God’s Kingdom. One primary spiritual mandate of His Kingdom is that you have authority to speak over your circumstances. Your words can either curse or bless a situation. God has given you that executive privilege so invoke favor and success over your life and circumstances. Doing this will give you safe passage through this troubled economic season because He will establish what you invoke, if it honors Him. If you will trust Him, He will help you.

Let me briefly address the obvious personal steps you may need to take first. Evaluate your actual income and compare it to your actual expenses. Do you need to generate more income or reduce your expenses? Perhaps both need to be addressed. Saving money is always better than spending, so do what is necessary to correct your personal situation. This evaluation should be part of your recovery strategy. God is interested in both stewardship and providing your needs. Invite Him to help you with both.

Now let me focus in on implementing God’s strategic plan. First, of all you need to be willing to align yourself with the mandates of God’s Kingdom. Lay aside any pride and independence. Be willing to seek His counsel. Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and then speak what He says.

You may need to also shift your concept of prayer. Prayer is both petitioning God and the voice of God speaking through you. God speaking through you is a key step in implementing His spiritual mandate in your life. The right to use this spiritual mandate rests in your relationship with God. When you are in right relationship with Him, you are **seated together with Him in Heavenly places. This position authorizes you to release His Kingdom into the earth. He has and will place His words in your mouth so you can ***establish the heavens and align the foundations of the earth. Your voice has great power when spoken in alignment with the spiritual mandates of God. Walk in the position God has designated for you and implement what He has given you.

Now this is how to implement. Instead of petitioning God to change your circumstances, begin to say what He would say through you. For example, I bless my work, I bless my finances, I bless my income and my expenses, I bless my skills, I bless my property, I bless my family, I bless my health, I bless my future opportunities and whatever else you need to bless. Tell debt, oppression, lack and other burdens to leave you. Ask God for wisdom as you do this. Remember, He will monitor, evaluate and sort out what is good from what is not good for you during this time. In other words, this spiritual mandate of speaking what God would say is not a free coupon that you can use to satisfy every craving and urge that comes your way. This is where many have fallen into serious trouble. However, if you will stick to the basics I have outlined above, God will honor you and bring you through this difficult economic time.

Key References:

** Ephesians 2:6 -We are seated together with Christ in Heavenly places.

***Isaiah 51:16 – And I have put my words in your mouth, and have covered you in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, You are my people.

Mat 21:21 Jesus answered them, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you be able to do what has been done to the fig tree, but you will also say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.

Mat 21:22 You will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, if you believe.

Source by Keith A. Paul
#Spiritual #Mandate speaking tree

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