Although, there are hundreds – of – thousands, of licensed real estate salespersons, in this country, only, a very small percentage of them, are responsible for the vast majority of the transactions/ deals, and, there is a significant difference, on many levels, between individuals, and how they perform the duties of an agent. Since, for most people, the value of their house, represents their single – biggest, financial asset, doesn’t it make sense, to carefully, CHOOSE the person, you hire, to serve and represent, your best interests? With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. Character; creative; Competitive Market Analysis (CMA); cooperate: Seek someone, with the quality character, which benefits, and serves your best interests! Choose someone, with the combination of knowledge, creativity, and open – mindedness, combined with a willingness to cooperate, with all parties involved! When, selecting a Listing Agent, carefully, inspect, the quality, thoroughness, and professionalism, of their Competitive Market Analysis (CMA), and how he explains it, in terms of suggesting your listing price, and your options, etc.
2. Humane; helps; homes: Many homeowners struggle, with their decision to sell their homes, because of their emotional attachment, and, memories! It’s important for an agent, to proceed, with the humane actions, which helps one, put things into perspective, and make essential decisions, etc.
3. Options; opts; opportunities; optimal: It’s important to carefully, review, a variety of options and alternatives, and opt – for, the best strategic plan, moving – forward! Take advantage of the finest opportunities, in order to provide the optimal service, and representation!
4. Open – minded; Open Houses; organized: There is no such thing, as, one – size – fits – all, when it comes to choosing the finest agent, to represent you! You benefit, when one proceeds, in an open – minded, manner, and, in a well – considered, organized manner! It’s important to thoroughly, consider, examine, and identify, whether the marketing and selling of your home, would benefit, by holding, Open Houses.
5. System; strengths; solutions; service/ serve: Seek someone, who explains, thoroughly, his system and reasoning, and how he might, effectively, emphasize your home’s strengths, while addressing areas of weakness! Professional service means providing viable solutions, emphasizing, serving your best interests!
6. Empathy; excellence; endurance; efforts: Clients benefit, when they choose an agent, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy, which combines, real excellence, and the endurance, to maintain his professional efforts, throughout the process!
When you CHOOSE the real estate agent, to hire, and represent/ serve you. do so, carefully, and thoroughly! Making the wisest, possible decision. benefits you!
Source by Richard Brody
#CHOOSE #Specific #Real #Estate #Agent real estate